Matthew 5:21-37 - Jesus Cuts Through the Fake News - February 12, 2023

Have you run into any fake news lately? Fake news is defined as false information or misinformation which is published with the appearance of being authentic, factual news. [1] In spite of social media’s alleged efforts at fighting fake news, every time a new story breaks, two or more competing narratives are created – each one claiming that the rest are just “fake news.” This fake news phenomenon has apparently grown so problematic that a few years ago Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, said that it is “killing people’s minds.” [2] Well, whether Mr. Cook realized it or not, he is simply raising a concern that Jesus first raised over 2000 years ago. Only, Jesus’ concern was not that fake news was killing people’s minds, but that it was damning their souls. As we continue our walk through our Savior’s Sermon on the Mount this morning, Jesus cuts through the fake news that filled the world in his day and ours.


Jesus begins by addressing a prominent fake news headline: You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder, and whoever murders will be subject to judgment.’ In quoting Exodus 20, Jesus is not calling the commandment God gave Moses on Mt. Sinai fake news. But over the course of 1500 years, the teachers of Israel had artificially limited the 5th commandment to mean that the only way a person broke it was by literally committing murder. It was this twisted view of the 5th commandment that led the Jewish leaders to believe that, even though they had conspired against Jesus, hunted, arrested, illegally tried, unjustly convicted, and finally handed the Son of God over to Pilate for crucifixion, that they were innocent of his blood and blameless before God.


What have you heard about the issues of life and death lately? Have you noticed that even as the rate of violence and murder have increased dramatically in the past few years, it is most widely reported only when it fits a certain narrative or when a “hate crime” label can be attached? Have you heard people claim that “words are violence” even while the lives of the most helpless in this world (unborn babies) continue to be snuffed out at a horrific rate? Have you heard that the lives of the terminally ill or severely handicapped are not worth living and that it is an act of love to assist their suicide? Aren’t we sometimes tempted to think that God isn’t really concerned about the hatred in our hearts and the loveless words on our lips – or typed by our fingers on social media – as long as we don’t act on them? The world says many things about hatred and murder. So how do you decide which of them are true? The only solution is to turn to a trusted source, to Jesus, and listen as he clarifies God’s will.


But I tell you, Jesus says with divine authority, that everyone who is angry with his brother without a cause will be subject to judgment, and whoever says to his brother ‘Raca,’ [3] will have to answer to the Sanhedrin. The teachers of Israel had left out one very important word from their interpretation of the 5th commandment, a word that is sadly lacking from our culture’s definition. You, every part of you, is prohibited from any murderous thought, word, or action. Martin Luther commented in a sermon on these verses: you may find as many ways to kill as you have organs. You may use your hand, your tongue, your heart; you may use signs and gestures; you may use your eyes to look at someone sourly or to begrudge him his life; you may even use your ears if you do not like to hear him mentioned – all this is included in [do not murder] (LW 21:74). The point Jesus wants to drive home is that all hatred, whether it ends in violence or murder or not, is a sin against the 5th commandment. A sin that puts the sinner in danger of hell fire. Yes, the physical act of murder is condemned by God, but so is bullying, abortion, euthanasia, angry social media screeds, reckless driving, vengeful and vindictive attitudes. God looks at the heart and the attitude he demands is one of love, not hate. 


But just as important as understanding what Jesus does mean is understanding what He doesn’t mean. Jesus doesn’t mean that judges and police officers and parents are forbidden from being angry with and punishing those who break the law or rebel against their authority. In fact, the modern theory that convicted criminals shouldn’t be punished due to so-called “social justice” is fake news that directly contradicts God’s definition of justice. [4] Nor does Jesus mean that all taking of life is forbidden: in Romans 13 God explicitly authorizes the government to punish lawbreakers and use the sword to take the lives of capital criminals and enemy combatants: he does not carry the sword without reason. He is God’s servant, a punisher to bring wrath on the wrongdoer (Romans 13:4).


And the teachers of Israel didn’t limit their meddling to the 5th commandment; they also had a corrupted understanding of God’s 6th commandment regarding adultery and divorce. Jews living in Jesus’ day were taught that any filthy thought, word, or action was ok as long as it didn’t end in intercourse. Are we being told anything different today? Isn’t the main discussion of sex in our society based not on whether or not it is right or wrong, but on how anyone should be able to have sex with anyone else as long as they do it safely and responsibly? If you doubt this, visit a health class at any public high school and suggest abstinence as the only form of birth control that is 100% effective at preventing unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (not to mention it is the only form approved by God) – you will be laughed out of the building. And as far as divorce goes, in Jesus’ time, a man could divorce his wife for almost any reason – even if the only reason was that he had found a prettier woman to marry. [5] The societal issue was not whether divorce was right or wrong, but that it should be done properly – that a husband give his wife a document of divorce before sending her on her way (Deuteronomy 24:1). Today, many people don’t even give passing consideration to whether divorce is morally right or wrong, but how to do it properly: so that the possessions are divided fairly, reputations are preserved, and the children and pets are cared for. Consider the source of this fake news: the spiritually dead, unbelieving world which is under Satan’s control (Ephesians 6:11-12). It is not a trustworthy source. For the truth, we must turn to Jesus.

But I tell you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Adultery doesn’t begin with the act, Jesus explains, but – as we saw with King David – it begins in the heart. The result is that God not only forbids the adultery that takes place in a shady motel, but the adultery that takes place in front of the computer screen and in the imagination. So what are we to do in a world which plasters smut on billboards and pumps its filth right into our homes? Is Jesus serious about gouging out our eyes and cutting off our hands? Think about it this way: would throwing away an eyeball or hand remove the desire from your heart? No, Jesus wants us to gouge the lust out of our hearts, where every adulterous action originates, through repentance. Then, and only then, have you really removed the offense from God’s eyes. And, when the sinful desire has been removed from the heart, the hand and the eye will follow suit. Even though it is nearly impossible for 21st century Christians to avoid sexual temptation, the new life God has created in us controls even the muscles of our neck and the hand that holds your smartphone. The Christian does not have to look and give in to temptation; he or she can walk away, turn away or exit the website.  


Our unbelieving, godless world is filled with fake news concerning divorce, but Jesus says that whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, cause her to be regarded as an adulteress. And whoever marries the divorced woman is regarded as an adulterer. Divorce is never God’s will – and he only allows it after the union has already been broken by adultery or desertion (1 Corinthians 7:15). Marriage as God defines it is a lifelong union between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24). When divorce happens, sin has always been committed and the result is always that the union God intended to last a lifetime is shattered. Divorce is never, ever God’s will. I have heard it said: “it’s not that simple, pastor.” That’s right. In this world, sin has created an ugly mess of marriage and divorce. But according to Jesus (and this is where you have to ignore the world’s fake news) a sinful situation does not change God’s will. God’s will is not situational, it is absolute. Regardless of what the world, our emotions or reason say, Jesus tells us that no one has the right to bend, twist or redefine God’s will regarding marriage to suit difficult circumstances or selfish desires.


Finally, Jesus’ disciples had also heard all sorts of fake news about swearing and taking oaths. Again you have heard that it was said to people long ago, ‘Do not break your oaths, but fulfill your vows to the Lord.’ Evidently in Jesus’ time people were taught that some oaths were more serious than others. If you swear by the hair on your head, you’re not real serious. If you swear by God, you are absolutely serious. What have you heard about the words and language we use? Have you heard that intentions are more important than words? Have you noticed that a man’s word isn’t what it used to be? Have you ever heard or used the excuse “I know what I said, but that’s not what I meant”? Have you fallen into the habit of using God’s name as an exclamation point rather than to pray, praise, and give thanks? How many of us have stood before God and promised to faithfully conform all [our] lives to the teachings of God’s Word, to be faithful in the use of Word and sacrament, and in faith and action remain true to God as long as [we] live and then later acted as though that confirmation vow meant nothing? We have heard all sorts of things about our use of language, but Jesus says:


Do not swear at all…instead, let your statement be, “Yes, yes,’ or ‘No, no.’ Whatever goes beyond these is from the Evil One. What does this mean? As believers, we know that God is always present and always listening to the words we speak. Therefore, there is no need for a believer to swear in his or her personal life. Believers should be so honest and have such a reputation for integrity that nothing more than a simple yes or no is needed to affirm the words they have spoken and the promises they have made. Anything beyond this only and always comes from the devil, the Father of lies (John 8:44). At the same time, Jesus is not forbidding all oath taking or swearing. Swearing, for example, in a courtroom, at the altar in a marriage vow, even the oath we made when we were confirmed are all appropriate and God-pleasing because they are demanded by him or his earthly representatives.


Jesus has clarified God’s will concerning murder, adultery, divorce, and our use of language. Where does that leave us? Does the phrase “poor, wretched sinner” come to mind? Does mourning over past sins of thought, word and action wrench your soul and constrict your throat? Do regret, pain, and guilt weigh heavily on your heart? Do you realize that you could never live up to the standard God demands? Good, because that means the law has done its job. God hasn’t given us his Law to make us feel good about ourselves or show us the way to heaven – because it’s very clear that it can only lead to the dead end of hell. We have heard the law and the law’s main purpose is to filter out the fake news and clearly show us our sins against God.


But don’t despair, consider once more the source: Even as Jesus was preaching this sermon, he was obeying God’s Law perfectly in our place. He didn’t just talk about the Law; He lived according to it for 33 years. As he teaches us about the holy life God expects from us, he was busy living the only perfect life that could satisfy God’s holy demands – and through faith, his holy life is your holy life. You have heard the law, now look to the cross and hear Jesus say it is finished (John 19:30) – knowing that the “it” was his perfect sacrifice which washes away all of your sins against all of God’s commandments. Ignore the world’s fake news and listen to the real Good News: there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For in Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:1-2). Jesus didn’t just come to preach the law; he came to free you from the law’s impossible demands. We are not forgiven because we keep God’s commands; we want to keep God’s commands because he has already forgiven us. Because of what Jesus has done for you, you can go in peace. Go back to your life as Jesus’ disciple, go out to salt the earth and light the world with the real news of law and gospel. Don’t let the fake news spread by the world and the devil or created by your reason or your feelings define right and wrong. Listen to your Savior – he’s the only one with the real, and really good news. Amen. 



[3] Raca was an insulting name in Aramaic, which meant something like numbskull or empty-head.

[4] Proverbs 24:23-25 - To show partiality when administering justice is not good. 24If anyone says to a guilty person, “You are innocent,” people will curse him. Nations will denounce him. 25However, it will be pleasant for those who convict the guilty. A wonderful blessing will come upon them.
